Creating A Ceremony For You and Your Animals
Merlin’s Spiritual Baths - Rhode Island 2010
Saying goodbye to a human or animal friend has always been an emotional experience. Each farewell has been heart-wrenching, leaving a profound void in my life. Throughout these experiences, I have turned to my studies of plants and essential oils, discovering their incredible potential for emotional healing during difficult times. I have learned to harness the soothing properties of these plants and incorporate them into meaningful ceremonies. In moments of grief, I find solace in using these plants and oils to honor my loved ones, sending them my blessings and love as they transition or after their passing.
Plants and essential oils are our allies when saying goodbye to a beloved animal or friend. Over the years, I have explored their healing properties and learned how to weave them into ceremonies. Whether in moments of difficulty or joy, I use plants and oils to express my blessings and love.
What is a ceremony?
A ceremony is an event that carries ritual significance and is performed on special occasions. Rituals involve actions that are primarily meaningful for their symbolic value. Ceremonies can mark various life events, such as birth, birthdays, initiation into clubs, reaching adulthood, graduation, marriage, spiritual transitions, or death. Throughout my life, I have participated in many different ceremonies. After returning from a trip to Belize, where I learned about spiritual healing ceremonies involving plant use, I recognized the importance of incorporating plants and ceremonies into my daily life.
Working with plants and essential oils during a ceremony can benefit humans and animals significantly. There are many ways to create a personal ceremony, and this blog offers ideas for inspiration when designing a ceremony for yourself and your animals.
Ideas to Incorporate into Your Ceremony:
Prepare A Spritual Bath: Fill a bowl with water and add plants that hold significance for you and your animal companion. Allow the mixture to sit for 15 to 30 minutes. As you choose the plants for the spiritual bath, consider walking through your garden or a flower shop while reflecting on this intention: "Which plants would like to be part of this ceremony?"
Suggested Plants: Consider using marigolds, basil, roses, rosemary and rue. Additionally, add a few drops of a Peace Essential Oil Blend.
Application: Gently massage the herbal bath water onto your companion using your hand or a small towel. Remember to use only a small amount of water, as it's a blessing; there's no need to soak your animal. Trust your instincts during this process.
Create a Sacred Atmosphere: While performing this ritual, feel free to sing a song or say a prayer to enhance the sacredness of the moment.
Plant Brushing: Find plants that have special meaning to you and your animal companion. Gather a sprig of each plant and make an attractive bundle with them. As you gently brush your animal companion with these plants, state, "I have faith in all my heart of the great healing powers of… (name the plants)." You may add other prayers or songs during this plant brushing. Suggested plants to use are marigolds, basil, roses, rosemary and rue.
How to Include Essential Oils or the Peace Blend:
Start by letting your animal companion smell the diluted essential oil(s) you plan to use in your ceremony. Please take a moment to smell them for yourself.
Next, apply a small amount of the oil to your animal's forehead and gently massage a little onto its body. Be sure to applythe oil to yourself and any other participants at the ceremony. Trust your instincts as you go through this process. Also, add a few drops of the essential oils you're using to your spiritual bath.
I created the Peace Blend after the passing of my horse, Pete. This blend was inspired by the essential oils I used in the ceremony I performed for him, which included frankincense, myrrh, rose, and sweet marjoram.
Ceremonial smudging with Herbs, Copal, Frankincense and Myrrh Resins:
Gather your incense burner and add a small amount of sand to it. Light a charcoal briquette and place it on the sand; it will take about five minutes for the briquette to heat up. It should turn a light grey color when it is ready for use. Once the briquette is hot, add the resins and herbs you intend to use. (I like to keep the incense going from the beginning to the end of the ceremony.)
At the start and end of your ceremony, smudge all participants. Smudging involves letting the smoke from the resin and herbs waft over the entire body, starting at the top of the head and moving down to the feet, then back up again. If this ceremony is for the passing of an animal companion, make sure to smudge the animal at least four times during the ceremony, especially at the end. When smudging, you may use a feather or your hand as a wand to direct the smoke.
When using the incense burner, ensure it is placed on a non-flammable surface, such as a ceramic plate; it will make it easier to lift and move the warm incense burner during the smudging process. Avoid touching the incense burner, as it will become very hot from the burning charcoal briquettes. If you use your incense burner outside, be cautious of fire hazards and consider placing the burner in a tall ceramic bowl for added safety.
Creating A Ceremony For You and Your Animals
A ceremony can be performed on various occasions. One way a ceremony can be fun is to welcome a new animal into your life, helping them to adjust to their new home. If you foster animals, a ceremony can also be a beautiful way to say goodbye and bless them as they embark on their new journey. The most challenging ceremony is saying farewell to a beloved pet as it passes to the next realm. Ceremonies can occur before, during, or after your companion has moved on. Additionally, you can hold a ceremony on the anniversary of their passing.
I have participated in ceremonies for animals who have been rehomed, recently lost, or passed away years ago and for wildlife. Ceremonies are also meaningful during times of joy; for instance, you may wish to celebrate the arrival of a new animal companion, a wedding, or an anniversary—the possibilities are endless.
Preparing to perform a ceremony, I dedicate a full day or at least half a day to the event. This time is set aside for us, our animals and the people invited to share in this special moment.
Example of a Ceremony for Your Animal Companion
Create a Ceremony Space: Place a ceremony blanket in the center to form a circle where everyone can sit around.
Gather Plants: Collect all the plants you wish to use in the ceremony.
Prepare Plant Bundles: Tie the plants into bundles for the plant brushings. You can use a special ribbon to secure them and place them in a beautiful vase. (I recommend making a separate plant bundle for each person attending the ceremony.)
Prepare the Spiritual Bath: Fill a crystal bowl with water and add the plants you have chosen for the spiritual bath. Place this bowl in the sun for 15, 30 minutes or longer so the water gets infused with the essence of the plants. You can also invite other participants to walk around and collect additional plants to contribute to the spiritual bath. Find a special cloth for the spiritual bath and lay it in the circle's center.
Gather Smudging Materials: Set the smudging materials in the circle's center.
Honor the Animal: In my annual ceremonies, I like to display a picture and mementos of the honored animal and those of animals who have already passed. Momentos can include collars, favorite toys or treats.
Prepare Essential Oils: Once the spiritual bath is ready, add two drops of each essential oil: frankincense, myrrh, rose, and sweet marjoram. These oils are part of my Peace Blend. If these specific oils do not resonate with you, choose the essential oils that do. Then, place the spiritual bath in the center of the circle.
Start the Ceremony: Once the center of the circle is complete, everyone is present, and we have welcomed your special animal. Begin the ceremony.
Opening Rituals: Go around and smudge everyone, then recite an opening poem or sing a song.
Introductions: Have each person introduce themselves and say something about the animal being honored during the ceremony.
Welcome All Animals: Welcome all the animals whose photos are displayed in the circle's center.
Spiritual Bath and Plant Brushing: Give the animal guest of honor a spiritual bath and a gentle plant brushing. Always be mindful of how the animal responds during the spiritual bath and plant brushing, and adjust your approach accordingly. You can quietly speak to the animal during this time, and if anyone has something to add, they may do so now. After this, have everyone sit in silence with love in their hearts; it's a moment to connect with the animal in a quiet state.
End of the Ceremony: At the end of the ceremony, you may perform a plant brushing for all participants. It could look like this: one at a time—each person stands in the center of the circle while others gently brush them with the plant bundles and sing a song. Once you finish giving the last person (or animal) their plant brushing, smudge everyone and close the ceremony.
Personal Touch: Make the conclusion of the ceremony your own. If you are having a goodbye ritual for the animal you are saying farewell to, you may wish for your vet to be present. You can say your final goodbye at the end of the ceremony or wait until everyone leaves. It is your ceremony and your choice.
There will be times when you won't have the opportunity to prepare a ceremony. In those moments, gather what you can: dried flowers, a special memento, crystals, a memory, a song, or a prayer. Being present can be a beautiful ceremony in itself. I am often surprised by how thoughts and ideas come together spontaneously. As I look back, I can't help but feel that I've been guided through this process. It's comforting to recognize that a guiding presence has led me forward, even in the most challenging times.
Plant Suggestion and Meanings
Basil (Ocimum basilicum): A plant that comforts the heart, mind and spirit.
Copal (Bursera microphylla): Mesoamericans have used this resin ritually for centuries. It is burned year-round in Mexican churches and is especially popular in homes during the Day of the Dead celebrations. Copal resin is traditionally burned in protection, cleansing and purification ceremonies.
Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) and Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha): Since antiquity, these resins have been burned to create sacred smoke that rises as a bridge between the spirits of this world and the heavens. The oil of frankincense was used in ancient Egypt to anoint the head of someone dying. The resins and oils are used ceremonially to help animals or dying people move on to the next realm. Helps close the wounds of both loss and rejection.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): It is considered the balancer of emotions. Rudolph Steiner suggests that lavender stabilizes the Physical, Etheric and Astral bodies.
Marigolds (Tagetes patula): Mesoamericans believe this is the only flower the dead can smell. It is a plant known to comfort the heart and the spirit.
Rose (Rosa damascena): This plant represents love and protection. In the eighth-century B.C. epic poem, "The Iliad," Homer tells us how Hector's body was anointed with rose oil after his death at Achilles' hand. It is helpful in times of sadness, grief, disappointment and great joy.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): The Greeks and Romans saw this plant as a symbol of regeneration; they held it to be sacred. They believed this plant gave comfort to the living and peace to the dead.
Rue (Ruta graveolens): This plant possesses the power of magic. It is also known as the herb of grace. It is used for blessing, releasing and banishing evil spirits or thoughts.
Sage (Salivia apiana): Sage is used to cleansing objects, places, people and animals. Its aroma has very calming properties.
Sweat Grass (Hierochloe odorata): Like sage, it is burnt as a purifier. It is lighter than sage and often burnt after burning sage. It encourages positive vibrations to enter the area or room.
Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana): This herb gives a feeling of comfort in cases of grief and loneliness since it has a warming effect on emotions. The Greeks used wild marjoram as a "funeral herb," and it was planted on graves to bring spiritual peace to the departed.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris): Thyme enhances strength and courage.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Yarrow heals wounds on the physical, mental and
Personal Experiences
Sometimes, our animals choose to leave suddenly, and there is no time to prepare for a ceremony. You can create a quick ritual, as plants are always available, or you may have some frankincense essential oil on hand. I always have Peace Blend on hand. You can use these improvised items to create a blessing and to say your special goodbye. When our horse Pete died, we had no time to prepare and I did what I could at the moment. After his passing, I created a little altar on an upturned water bucket in his stall. I placed a crystal, carrots and rosemary on the bucket and continued to burn the copal resin in my smudge bowl every day for a week. He still has a purple ribbon tied to his stall door.
Pete's Story
One fall, my 28-year-old Morgan horse, Pete, became very sick. He was in a lot of pain, very weak, and unable to stand. We tried for 24 hours to help him through this strange illness. I spent the night in Pete's stall, talking and singing to him. He quietly lay on his side, listening and sighing occasionally. As the sun began to rise and light filled his stall, I whispered to him, "Hey Pete, the sun is rising. It's going to be a beautiful day. How about you get up, too?" Pete stared at me with a serene calmness, and in my heart, I knew he was ready to go. My husband, John, also noted how peaceful Pete was, saying, "That is the quietest I have seen him in the past 24 hours."
The vet arrived and explained the invasive technique she would use to help Pete get up on all fours and into a harness. Holding back tears, I said, "But look how quiet and peaceful he is." She gently replied, "You only have one other option." John and I instinctively understood that Pete's tranquility signified he was ready to go, even though we did not want to let him go.
Reflecting on my recent trip to Belize, where I learned about spiritual and healing ceremonies involving plants, I realized we needed our own ritual to support Pete and ourselves during his passing. That was when I improvised the ceremony described above.
Merlin's Story
Our dog Merlin decided to pass on while we were on vacation. Merlin was in Colorado and we were in Rhode Island. He passed away on the second day of our trip. I found two little glass bowls in the cottage we were staying in and I gave one to my husband and kept one for myself. We walked around the cottage's yard, gathering plants. We found red clover, wild rose, yellow flowers, pine needles, and purple chicory flowers to place in these two spiritual bath bowls. I then made a small altar on a table out in the sun and tended to these little bowls of love the entire week we were there. On our last day in Rhode Island, we poured the spiritual baths into a beautiful pitcher and walked to our favorite spot on the beach where we tearfully said our goodbyes to Merlin. We poured this spiritual bath water onto our feet and the sand and watched the waves carry all the plants and the water out to the ocean. It was one of the most beautiful and painful moments of my life. I was also grateful that our house-sitter at the time had the Peace Blend and was giving it to Merlin during his passing.
When one of my animals moves on, I maintain a special place in my house for them for four weeks or longer. I will have a photo, candle, spiritual bath, etc.
I create a new spiritual bath for them every week. I then take the previous week's spiritual bath and pour in an area of the yard where they liked to hang out. Repeating this ritual is cathartic for me.