Essential Oils And Skin Issues - For You And Your Animals
Skin - An Amazing Organism
"I have tried everything on this skin problem and nothing works!" Have you ever uttered these words or heard someone say them? I have, many times, and my first response is, "Have you tried essential oils?"
The skin is a very complex organism. It is the body's largest organ, covering its entire external surface. It comprises three layers—the epidermis, dermis, and subcutis/hypodermis - with different anatomical structures and functions.
The outermost layer of a human, dog or horse's skin is the epidermis, which is avascular, meaning it
Wild Carrot A Precious Plant and Essential Oil
Wild carrot, or Queen Anne's lace, is a biennial herb with dense umbels. It is a white flowering plant with solid stems producing tripinnate leaves and fine hairs covering the green stems and leaves. Its majestic umbel-shaped flower occasionally will create a single dark red flower in the center of the umbel, and as the plant ages, it turns dark purple. Its white root is tiny and tough, smells of carrots when crushed, and considered inedible.
It is my go-to oil when working with dry aging skin,
Rosemary, Chemotypes, Folklore and More
This stimulating, uplifting, and aromatic evergreen shrub with countless linear silvery leaves and delicate blue flowers has been used for centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes. Rosemary, a native of the Mediterranean, has a history of
Essential Oils And Life's Transitions
Transition is a change from one thing to the next, either in action or state of being. For example, currently, we are transitioning from autumn into winter, a time to slow down, hibernate and reflect. And, there are personal transitions we all experience at certain times in our lives, such as…
Frankincense Essential Oil and Cancer
It happened again. I received a phone call asking to purchase Frankincense essential oil to help their animal with cancer. I take a deep breath before I
Essential Oil Safety Tips for You and Your Animals
Only apply diluted essential oils on an animal. You dilute an essential oil by
Jake's Canine Remedy
I have a German Shepherd that is 8 years old whose name is “Gretchen”. She has had many problems. Among them are a complete hip replacement, (left hip), epilepsy, incontinence…She developed a skin condition brought on by the use of a steroid
Working with Orangutans, Gorillas and Black Crested Macaques
I had an amazing opportunity to work with the orangutans, gorillas and black crested macaques at the Denver Zoo through their animal enrichment
What's That Smell? Do you truly know what an essential oil is?
Mmmm... What are those smells that offer you pleasure and peace? And, pew! What are those smells that would turn your nose up and make you say "Yuck"? First, I ask that you please do not judge me by my smell alone. I could offer you comfort in times of
Moods and Non-Typical Behaviors in Animals
I will always remember my first case study, a magnificent Belgian draft horse named Sunny. This gentle giant taught me compassion, patience, consistency, and knowledge about the essential oils he needed to help him gain trust and confidence to work through his non-typical behaviors.
Essential Oils Help Take the Stress Out of Weaning
It makes perfect “scents” to use essential oils during the weaning process. Weaning is something that is inevitable; it happens naturally in the wild. It does not have to be a dreaded
Essential Oils and Your Horse’s Skin Problem
“I have tried everything on my horse’s skin problem and nothing works!” Have you ever uttered these words or heard someone say them? I have, many times, and my first response is “Have you tried
Aromatherapy for You and Your Animals
You may have experienced the effects of aromatherapy during a massage, when the therapist applies a scented oil to your muscles and a lovely aroma fills the air, immediately relaxing your body and calming your
Skin Problems: What Are Your Alternatives?
A horse’s skin breathes, radiates, flutters at your touch and protects. It is the first to signal you that there are imbalances within its system – internally or externally. So how will you treat these
Zoopharmacognosy and Your Animals
Have you ever noticed your horse, dog or cat eating a certain plant in your garden or out in the fields? Well, if you have, you may be witnessing
About Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the art and science of using pure essential oils extracted from plants for healing and balancing the mind and body. Essential oils are the result of distillation or expression of plants and plant