What's That Smell? Do you truly know what an essential oil is?
Maynard demonstrating the Flehman Face
Mmmm... What are those smells that offer you pleasure and peace? And, pew! What are those smells that would turn your nose up and make you say "Yuck"? First, I ask that you please do not judge me by my smell alone. I could offer you comfort in times of muscle pain, skin problems, stomachaches and headaches, melancholy, low energy, and too much energy. This list could go on and on, and by now, I am sure you are wondering - what am I? I am an Essential Oil. And, this just opens up another question: "What is an Essential Oil?"
I am the result of an extraction process from the plant's leaves, flowers, seeds, resins, fruits, rinds, bark and roots through steam distillation or expression hence given the name essential oil. I am a secondary metabolite. I also evaporate quickly due to the fact I am a volatile oil.
We essential oils have been referred to as the plant's soul, and our drops of oils are considered the plant's jewels. That all sounds lovely, but in truth, we are just chemical constituents that make up the essential oil and provide its aroma and therapeutic properties. There are very few clinical studies on me, an essential oil. By definition, we know what my chemical constituents can do, but we do not clinically understand how they work in me the essential oil. Some of our chemical constituents are antiseptic (prevents or combats infection locally), bactericide (kills bacteria), bacteriostatic (inhibits growth of bacteria) and cytophylactic (promotes cell rejuvenation when applied to the skin).
These "jewels" of the plants are being used more and more in the healing practice of people and animals. As a result, doctors and veterinarians are starting to contact qualified and certified Aromatherapists worldwide to learn more about their work with essential oils. Why an Aromatherapist? Because an aromatherapist is a person who has studied the science and art of working with essential oils extensively. Dr. René-Gattefossé, a French doctor and the author of "Gattefossé's Aromatherapy"; is considered the father of aromatherapy. He coined the term "Aromatherapy" to describe his work with essential oils.
Essentials oils not only help humans but also help animals. Animals are pretty sensitive to me. You must be knowledgeable about the animal you are working with and understand how to work with animals and their sensitivities to essential oils. When working with essential oils, the rule is: "Less is more." Animals don't need a lot of essential oils to gain the benefits. It is prudent to work with a qualified animal aromatherapist/essential oils specialist.
The conditions one might treat animals with essential oils include skin problems, digestive problems, muscular aches, arthritis and joint pain, fear, stress, anger, moodiness, etc. This is just a small list of how we, the all- empowering essential oils, can help your animals.
So how does an essential oil work? It works through the inhalation (breathing in) or topical application of essential oils. Let's look at the inhalation of essential oils first. Here I am, an essential oil being inhaled by a nose, and the olfactory system is about to perform an amazing process. First, the essential oil goes up the nose and reaches the olfactory mucosa (epithelium), where smells are collected; next, I travel to the olfactory bulb. Here scent is translated into chemical information, which is then translated into electrical signals, which travel along the olfactory nerves into the brain. The cerebral cortex in the brain is where association takes place and where the olfactory cortex identifies odors. The odor information triggers the limbic system, which controls emotion and memory, to release neurochemicals (chemicals that affect the brain and nervous system), changing how you feel and think. Examples of these chemicals are enkephalin, which reduces pain and creates a feeling of well-being; endorphins kill pain and induce desires; serotonin, which helps to relax and calm. Essential oils are used to help trigger these chemical responses.
The sense of smell is far more critical in "non-human animals" than it is in humans. Our world is a world reliant on sight orientation. In contrast, many "non-human animals" have less sensitive eyesight, yet they have a highly sensitive sense of smell. This is because they live in a more smell-oriented world. "Non-human animals" gain a tremendous amount of information from sniffing the air, an object, or each other.
For example, olfaction in dogs is what vision is to humans. It's their memory system, their primary sense in dealing with the world. As you might expect, then, the physiology of a dog's smeller is much larger and more complex than ours. Dogs have 20 times more scent receptor cells than humans, and the scent-processing section of their brains is more extensive than ours.
Cats use their sense of smell for orientation and for appetite stimulation. Like dogs, they have a very keen sense of smell, although, unlike dogs, they do not use their sense of smell for tracking. Cats also rely on their sense of smell to identify each other – first by sniffing each other's faces and then sniffing the anal areas. Horses' smell range is more acute than that of humans but less sensitive than a dog's.
Horses use their sense of smell to identify other horses, their young, people, predators and feedstuffs, just to name a few examples. They can locate medicine in feed even when we attempt to mask it in tasty treats. Horses may have a seemingly irrational fear of some smells, such as strong odors associated with pigs. However, their sense of smell is not their most vital asset; they rely to a greater extent on vision.
When an animal smells me, the essential oil, the aroma goes up the nostrils and reaches a large cavity called the olfactory mucosa, where the olfactory nerves and cells live. Messages are sent to the brain via the olfactory nerves, and the brain then determines the smell. Another part of the animal's olfactory system, the Organ of Jacobson, opens into the back of the mouth and has two tubes connecting in the nasal cavity. It has been suggested that the organ is used for extra screening of inhaled air for chemical odors. You know they are processing a new smell when you see them curl their lip up or wrinkle their nose. This is called the Flehmen response; it allows the odors to enter. It also aids in locating and discriminating between foods.
When an animal is being treated with essential oils, its beauty is that the animal, when offered the oil to smell, determines if he wants that particular oil at that time. This process is called Zoopharmacognosy. When working animals and essential oils, nothing should be forced on them. They should be allowed to choose the essential oil, when they want it and how they want it applied.
Essential oils are considered for use depending on the animal's condition or problem. For example, if you want to use essential oils for relaxation, you could use frankincense or vetiver. For wound healing, you could use lavender or helichrysum. Rosemary or Peppermint could be considered for exhaustion or poor circulation. These are just a small example of what essential oils can be used for.
We are very complex chemical compounds and should be respected. If you consider using essential oils or want more information, you should contact a qualified and certified essential oils specialist. We are complex but very healing. Essential oils are one of nature's most intricate and beautiful treasures, so next time you take a sniff of us, think about all the nice things we can do – even if we don't smell so good to you!
"Aromatherapy? A therapy or cure using aromas, aromatics, scents? Yes! They can all be therapeutic if used, dosed, and administered correctly and at the right time....Fragrances, and thus essential oils, play an important role in our lives." - Dr. Foveau De Courcelles
FrogWorks' coursebook, "Working With Plants and Essential Oils for You and Your Animals," gives you the knowledge and guidance to make the right decisions when working with plants and essential oils.