Merlin's Magic Calming Potion (for dogs)
This blend of essential oils is designed to help your dog calm down, making it easier for everyone to relax.
This product was inspired by my beloved dog, Merlin. We adopted Merlin when he was one year old, and he had endured severe emotional and physical abuse. The veterinarian who treated him noted that his body had suffered so much that it looked as if he had been hit by a car. Over time, Merlin chose specific essential oils to help him recover and adapt to our lives.
When asked to create a calming potion for dogs, I remember petting Merlin and thinking about which essential oils to use in this blend. As he stared at me, it struck me to use the essential oils he had chosen during his journey toward finding peace and calm.
For 11 years, Merlin filled our home with love and laughter. I am sharing his essential oil blend with you and your dogs in his memory. Merlin would be honored to know that his remedy has helped many dogs.
“TQ is 15 years old and very set in his ways. He has never been on a plane before or to an airport. Amazingly, he did not shake when he went through security and spent several hours in an international airport. People were asking me if he was sedated and when I said no they would ask how did I train him so well. My response, “Merlin's Magic Calming Potion!” ~ Amy
Ingredients: Vetiver, Grapefruit, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang Extra, in a base of Water, Apricot Kernel Oil, Dispersa (an all natural emulsifier containing vitamin C and E). Comes in a 2 oz spray bottle.
Comes in a 2 oz spray bottle.
This blend of essential oils is designed to help your dog calm down, making it easier for everyone to relax.
This product was inspired by my beloved dog, Merlin. We adopted Merlin when he was one year old, and he had endured severe emotional and physical abuse. The veterinarian who treated him noted that his body had suffered so much that it looked as if he had been hit by a car. Over time, Merlin chose specific essential oils to help him recover and adapt to our lives.
When asked to create a calming potion for dogs, I remember petting Merlin and thinking about which essential oils to use in this blend. As he stared at me, it struck me to use the essential oils he had chosen during his journey toward finding peace and calm.
For 11 years, Merlin filled our home with love and laughter. I am sharing his essential oil blend with you and your dogs in his memory. Merlin would be honored to know that his remedy has helped many dogs.
“TQ is 15 years old and very set in his ways. He has never been on a plane before or to an airport. Amazingly, he did not shake when he went through security and spent several hours in an international airport. People were asking me if he was sedated and when I said no they would ask how did I train him so well. My response, “Merlin's Magic Calming Potion!” ~ Amy
Ingredients: Vetiver, Grapefruit, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang Extra, in a base of Water, Apricot Kernel Oil, Dispersa (an all natural emulsifier containing vitamin C and E). Comes in a 2 oz spray bottle.
Comes in a 2 oz spray bottle.
This blend of essential oils is designed to help your dog calm down, making it easier for everyone to relax.
This product was inspired by my beloved dog, Merlin. We adopted Merlin when he was one year old, and he had endured severe emotional and physical abuse. The veterinarian who treated him noted that his body had suffered so much that it looked as if he had been hit by a car. Over time, Merlin chose specific essential oils to help him recover and adapt to our lives.
When asked to create a calming potion for dogs, I remember petting Merlin and thinking about which essential oils to use in this blend. As he stared at me, it struck me to use the essential oils he had chosen during his journey toward finding peace and calm.
For 11 years, Merlin filled our home with love and laughter. I am sharing his essential oil blend with you and your dogs in his memory. Merlin would be honored to know that his remedy has helped many dogs.
“TQ is 15 years old and very set in his ways. He has never been on a plane before or to an airport. Amazingly, he did not shake when he went through security and spent several hours in an international airport. People were asking me if he was sedated and when I said no they would ask how did I train him so well. My response, “Merlin's Magic Calming Potion!” ~ Amy
Ingredients: Vetiver, Grapefruit, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang Extra, in a base of Water, Apricot Kernel Oil, Dispersa (an all natural emulsifier containing vitamin C and E). Comes in a 2 oz spray bottle.
Comes in a 2 oz spray bottle.
Working in partnership with your dog is essential; allowing your dog to choose will build trust between you and your dog, and you will learn a lot from your dog by observing their responses.
Listed below are the simple instructions for using Merlin's Magic Calming Potion.
Gently shake the bottle to mix the oils, and spray a small amount into the palm of your hand. Let your dog smell your hand.
If your dog shows strong interest:
Gently apply it to his head, back, and paws (if they allow). Only use a small amount.
A dog's sense of smell far exceeds a human's sense of smell; please be mindful when applying this product.
If your dog shows moderate to no interest:
Apply this blend to a towel, rag or toy and leave it in an area where your dog can go to it AND get away from it freely.
Never kennel your dog or keep it enclosed with the item you applied Merlin's Magic Calming Potion.
Have questions, call 303.726.0311 or email